Author Spotlight – Zachary Rosenberg

Dark bleatings everyone! Continuing on with our ‘Author Spotlight Special’, in celebration of the release of The Perfectly Fine Neighborhood, we’re moving on to Zachary Rosenberg.

Zachary Rosenberg is an interesting author of numerous short stories, who works within the law by day! So, sort of like Batman. Well no, actually, not quite like Batman… but he has two different…. look, all I’m saying is that I’ve never seen Zachary and Batman in the same room.

Kayleigh: Hi Zachary, thanks for joining us! Can you start by telling us about the story you contributed to the anthology?

Zachary: Surely. Fiduciary Duty is about a lawyer trying to prove his client isn’t guilty of murder. How do you do that? Ask the ghosts themselves. Only issue is they’re locked away as they may be very dangerous and he finds himself trapped in the house and haunted. And by his side is his partner and wife, who is also a ghost herself. Really, the idea came from being an attorney and wanting to do something interesting with that!

Kayleigh: The story is really spooky, and that house is nightmare fuel. How long have you been weaving nightmares, and what inspired you to start?

Zachary: Off and on for years. I’ve always wanted to tell stories. Writing seriously for submissions? A year and a half. I always got inspired by reading, honestly!

Kayleigh: And what was it that drew you into horror in the first place?

Zachary: Hmm…probably the original Dracula 1931 film, and the Goosebumps books

Kayleigh: What a GREAT introduction to the genre! Do you have a favourite author or book?

Zachary: Too many to count. Some of my favorites of the modern age are Hailey Piper, Gwendolyn Kiste, Gabino Iglesias, Cina Pelayo…yeah, the answer could change at the drop of a hat. Classics, I love Sheridan LeFanu, MR James…yeah, waaay too many to even count.

Kayleigh: That’s an excellent selection of writers. Can you name a book that you wish more people knew about?

Zachary: Black Water Sister by Zen Cho. Terrific stuff. And ghosts!

Kayleigh: Sounds spooky! So, let’s get back to your work. Do you have a favourite out of your own stories?

Zachary: Hm…not one specifically. Some of my favorites haven’t found homes quite yet.

Kayleigh: I’m sure someone will adopt them all soon! Are you currently working on anything new?

Zachary: Always. A few short stories and one big novel!

Kayleigh: Ooh, a big novel, you say? Be sure to reach out to us when it’s ready to read! So, here’s the big question: what’s your zombie apocalypse plan?

Zachary: If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em? I would not last long, that’s for sure.

Kayleigh: Well, that’s one way to deal with the apocalypse! Alrighty, last question: tell us something interesting about yourself that people may not know.

Zachary: One of my favorite hobbies? Making historical recipes in cooking. VERY fun.

Kayleigh: That DOES sound fun. Something tells me that you would get on really well with John McNee. Thanks for swinging by, Zachary!

If you’d like to get your own copy of The Perfectly Fine Neighborhood, or find out more about Zachary Rosenberg, there are some links below for you (link embedded in pic):


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